Air Conditioning Contracting

A privately held company categorized under Air Conditioning Contractors and Systems with annual sales revenue of approximately $4M and currently employs 20-25 full/part-time employees.


This organization had a strong desire to increase sales and expand business operations locally and regionally. Leaders wanted to grow the company 2-3 times existing size (Sales, Clients, Employees, Profits, etc.) over the next 3-5 years. The Executive team began to develop time management issues due to rapid growth and expansion. The leaders recognized that they lacked formalized procedures. The executive also lacked a clear vision as a result of the rapid growth they were experiencing. The executive team wanted to enhance their skills and encourage results-orientated attitudes by creating a vision for personal direction and decision-making. Employees were frustrated due to steady change. They needed to develop an environment of employee ownership, culture of accountability, and reputation for delivering results and to foster cohesive, self-directed, and highly energized work teams.


The leadership team of the organization was facilitated through a Strategic Planning process to assist them with developing the skills needed to grow the organization. They established Company Vision, Mission, Values, and Critical Success Goals, which were communicated throughout the organization. Employees were now focused on the mission and the critical goals. Critical tasks that were to be performed by Executive Management team were identified and the administrative tasks were delegated, which allowed the executive team to begin working on business rather than in the business.